Saturday, 7 April 2018

Keeping the Tradition Alive Part 2

Although it’s a warm day walking out of the salon into a light breeze and setting off to the town, it is still a shock I can feel the air moving all round the back and sides of my head, I’m quite proud of my self that I’ve been given such a harsh stark old ladies cut and set but I’ve managed to hold back the tears and not seem upset for Grans sake.
“I’m must say gran she has taken us both very short, did you really want to be shaven quite so high”
“Its such a nice clean feeling as you must be finding out, I used to have my hair like this all the time and loved the simplicity of it, and that’s what I wanted you to experience when I had Edith cut you back a bit more, I must say my dear you look so elegant now a proper young lady, in fact a delight to see”
“It does seem very strange being completely bare”
“You’ll soon get used to it after a few more shaves, in fact in time you’ll even look forward to it and want it properly finished like mine not left that little bit softer like she has yours, she’s done that to help you ease in to a stricter more formal hair routine. I’m sure as soon as you realise the benefits you’ll be their having it properly sorted out”
I get the feeling that given time Gran would be only to happy to help me get properly sorted out.
The rest of the day was pleasant although I got the persistent feeling that people were looking at me all the time, I suppose I stood out from the norm, a lot once people realised how old I actually was.
Its now after dinner and a lovely evening and I’m sitting in the garden Grans inside packing a few things as she’s going out for the day tomorrow  with a few of her friends so I’ve the day to look forward to all by my self. My phone starts ringing and theirs a number I don’t recognise I wonder who this is.
“Hello Samantha, its Alan I hope you don’t mind me ringing you out of the blue like this, only I pestered Claire into giving me your number”
“I don’t mind at all in fact it nice to hear from you”
“Great I’m back tomorrow and if its not to forward of me I wondered if you’d care for some lunch tomorrow, theirs a lovely little pub not to far away”
“That would be lovely I’ll look forward to it”
“Great I’ll come for you at 12 o’clock then”
I give him Grans address and were all set for tomorrow. I’m all excited now.
Gran comes out into the garden holding a large envelope looking pleased.
“Gerald from the church has just dropped this off “
She opens the envelope and pulls out three photographs their about A4 paper size and as she turns them over I can see it’s the one’s taken of gran and me on Sunday. The first is both gran and me and is so like the picture of gran and mum taken all those years ago. The second is a full length portrait of me in that suit, I look so much older than I’ve ever seen my self looking and very prim and business like. The final picture is a head and shoulder close up of me with my freshly permed short curls this looks so strange as my age shows in how clear my skin is but the hairstyle looks so out of place, the reassuring thing is Alan didn’t seem to put off by it perhaps he thinks I’m just naturally curly and choose to have my hair cut short for convenience. My new cut however would dispel any thoughts of natural curls with how stark and hard it is which leads me to a big problem tomorrow, I don’t want to scare him off by turning up looking like my Gran but at the same time I don’t think I can wash the set out yet with out upsetting Gran. And what am I going to wear.
Gran’s left before I got up this morning and as I sit having breakfast in my long night dress and hair net trying to find a solution to my dilemma it dawns on me, when he saw me on Sunday he probably thought I’d dressed down because I was with my Gran and when he see’s me today it will be expecting me to look like any normal twenty year old, which will be convenient as I’ve a fashionable woolly hat in my bag upstairs which will completely cover my hair and I’ll be able to wear this when ever I see him until it grows back to a normal length. With this decision made I can now relax for a couple of hours until I need to get ready.
I’ve had a shower making sure I don’t get any water on my set, now time to get dressed I’ve a nice white vest top that will go with some black trousers I’d better wear a nice lacy bra as it will be partly on show, this will be different wearing fashionable clothes again.
My first problem becomes apparent my little panties and low cut trousers no wear near cover my fully grown pubic hair last time I wore these I had my freshly waxed Brazilian theirs no way of getting one of those done in time so I’ve just one option I wont be able to shape it properly my self so it all will have to come off.
The trousers and panties come off and I get the small scissors from the dressing table draw, I’m full length in the mirror in front of me naked except for a black hairnet, pulling at the first tuft of hair I snip it off as close as I can then another and keep going until I’ve just some uneven stubble down there. There’s only one way to finish it of foam and razor and slip my dressing gown on to fetch a bowl of hot water.
After I finish with the razor I can’t help feeling how smooth it is and such a contrast to the unruly hair that was their this makes me think of my neck so I feel around my neck and sides at the same time so really smooth. I’ve seen pictures of models with smooth shaven heads I wonder what it must be like to have a completely smooth shaven head now that must be some experience.
Replacing my trousers and it’s on with my bra this is so different from the big firm one’s I’ve been wearing these last few weeks and as I move I can feel my boobs move too, that’s not what I’ve got used to. The vest tops tight and is more like underwear after the way I’ve been primly covered up, not much make up today.
I carefully take my hairnet off the set is as precise as ever securely lacquered in place, the sight of it in the mirror still takes me by surprise, what did she do to me. My hat comes down and completely covers my hair it’s lacquered enough so that it should be ok when I take it off its not ideal wearing this on a warm day like today but needs must I suppose.
The bell goes and the butterfly flit about my belly here goes.
“Hi Alan I’m nearly ready just need to slip my shoes on come in”
“Oh hello Samantha”
Alan walks in he seems a little surprised and subdued
“Is every thing ok Alan”
“Err err yes thank you”
Every thing doesn’t seem ok in fact he doesn’t seem to know were to look and seems shocked almost.
“I’ve got the car out side I thought we might” he seems to be having trouble getting his words out
Then it dawns on me rather than being shocked by my appearance last time we met he may be more surprised by me now with these low trousers and skimpy top and a lot of flesh on show in the middle.
“Alan would you answer me a question”
“Y-yes” he stammers
“Is the way I’m dressed at the moment affecting you”
“Well I’m just a bit surprised you’re styles somewhat different to last time we met”
“And which is your preferred”
“I must be honest I do like classic styling on a lady”
“Oh Alan I only dressed this way because of some thing that happened this week and I didn’t what you put off by it”
“What was that then?”
“Gran wanted me to go with her and have my hair set at an old ladies hairdressers that she goes to, I could see how much it meant to her and didn’t have the heart to refuse, how ever the old woman who did my hair did more than set me in fact she really went to town on me and I’ve been worried that you wouldn’t want to be seen with me when you see what’s happened to me hence the hat”
At last he’s smiling and looks relaxed
“How could I not want to be seen with you silly, now let me have a look I’m sure it can’t be that bad”
Using the hall mirror I gently remove the hat every little wave is still hard in place and slowly I turn to face him. He holds his breath for a few seconds then a genuine smile breaks out over his face.
“Samantha that looks wonderful, very short indeed you’re so brave letting them do this to you. And the back and sides are superb totally bald and so elegant, you’re hair was the first thing I noticed about you on Sunday it was just the way I like but this is so much better can I touch you’re neck”
“Of course you can”
He runs his finger of both hands up my naked neck and it feels like electricity running through me the feels the smooth skin around my ears.
“How could you want to cover this up from me?”
I feel a great wave of relief wash through me and so much happiness if he likes my hair so much then may be its not so bad after all.
“Now go through and sit down I’ll only be a minute, I’m going to put some much more suitable clothes on”
“That would be lovely”
I show Alan into the front room and as I turn to leave I see his car for the first time.
“Is that lovely soft top MG yours?”
“Yes do you like it?”                  
“I’ve always wanted to ride in a soft top with the hood down”
“Well I left the hood up so you’re hair wouldn’t be disturbed, but I can soon take it down if you like but what about you’re lovely waves”
“I’ve a solution for that just wait I wont be long”
I rush up stairs I cannot believe what he’s been saying he loves my harshly cropped and shaven hair all of my worries have been for nothing, now to give him the young lady he wants.
I quickly remove all my clothes and get out a nice big pair of silk knickers pulling them up over my waist they rub against my fresh shaven smooth skin and feel lovely. My boobs aren’t free to move anymore encased now in a very firm full cup high back long line bra and finished off with a thick girdle with six suspenders I’m back to full firm control my postures back to straight erect primness.
There is a lovely cream summer dress with a flared out skirt that’s well below the knee, a high collar and puffed little sleeves that will fit the bill perfectly matched with white fitted stockings and white court shoes and I’m nearly ready a single row of pearls and a cardigan over my shoulders and I feel so different and much happier than a few minutes ago, what must he have thought of me exhibiting my self like that now my hair in the draw there are a few silk scarves I select a nice one fold it and place it over my hair and tie it under my chin just like Gran does, just one thing left and some thing that I really noticed on Claire was her glasses in one of mums draws I’d noticed some real early sixties horn rimed sunglasses just the thing for a open top MG.
“Oh my Samantha that’s so much better I just love the confident way you wear those lovely classic styles you really are a beautiful lady thank you so much”
“No thank you for giving me the confidence to wear what I really want to not what have to worry what think people think of a young woman who has turned her back on tardy fashion.”
“Just one thing when we get their will you take the scarf off so every one can see you’re lovely little waves”
“No problem”
Alan’s already been out while I was getting changed and lowered the roof how ever these little sports cars aren’t that easy getting into with a full flared skirt and as he helps me in my skirt pulls up revealing a stockinged leg with thick suspenders this certainly brings a smile to his face and it takes me a couple a seconds longer than it needed to replacing my skirt.
We settle down for lunch this really is a nice old pup he’s bought me to. The first thing to do is remove my scarf as promised. Surprisingly I don’t feel so on show here with Alan than I do out with Gran; maybe his enthusiasm for my look has boosted my confidence.
 “That’s better I couldn’t wait to see those lovely little waves of yours, I can’t believe how lucky I am lunch with a perfect young lady.”
“I’m really glad you like it, I was so scared of peoples reactions to me when it was first cut”
“I’m quite sure every one who knows the real you has been very positive about you’re change, I cannot believe the difference a few days has made, what made you’re mind up to go even shorter and have a very traditional set”
“I didn’t get any choice in the matter Gran and her hairdresser just went for it”
“Well I’m glad they did because I can honestly say I love it, it must still be strange recently loosing a life times long hair but those long tresses couldn’t have looked any thing like as good as these little curls”
All these compliments are going to my head, and I’m starting to relax at last. Alan reaches up and strokes my bald shaven neck which is electric.
“Could I touch one of you’re curls”
“Of course you can”
He lays the fingers of his hand against my hard lacquer set hair.
“Did they use traditional lacquer on you or just hairspray?”
 “Lacquer and lots of it”
“If you think my hairs short you should see what she did to Gran, the hairdresser certainly went to town on her”
“Is her hair even shorter than yours then?”
“Yes by quite a bit”.
“What did you think to Claire’s hair on Sunday it was certainly very short wasn’t it?”
I think back and remember her hair cut into a high tightly curled bowl with lots of skin on show back and sides in fact her cut is very similar to grans new one.
“She seemed to wear it very confidently”
“Yes she does, she hairdressing her self now in a very traditional old fashioned even shop every time I see her now it’s something new for her hair, she asked me to say hello and her offer is still open to do you’re hair if you wish”
“May be I’ll take her up on it, although I perhaps need to tone down my hair soon as I’d like to look a bit less conspicuous when I return to uni.”
“Oh that would be a real shame for a long time I’ve wanted to meet a lovely young lady with beautiful tight curls and now you want to be come one of the crowd again”
He said all this in a joking manner but I get the feeling he would be disappointed. Oh well I’d better not disappoint him for a while.
“Of course if some one really wanted me to stay extremely short and curly I may have to rethink that part”
“I do”
I think this came out quicker than he intended and he’s coloured up slightly.
“If you like me short and curly then short and curly it is to be”
This statement gets a big smile.
“In fact will I be needing an appointment next week for a set again”
“A nice set will be lovely, I fact I’ve a few days off next week how about we go into town have Claire do you’re hair as she’s itching to get more younger customers in, then do something for the rest of the day in fact the set will be my treat”
I sense that he’d really like to see this so;
“In that case then if you’re paying for the set you can pick the style”
What have I just said!!!!
“Thank you” he replies with a big smile.
“You seem very keen to see me having my hair done again”
“Well I suppose I am in a way, I’ve always been fascinated by girls with extreme hair styles I don’t know why, when I was at uni a few years ago there were some girls on campus with really wild punk hair and they were fascinating but for me what I really like is some one like you who has the inner strength not to worry about following the herd and look like every one else and has the hair style they want not what they think everyone wants them to have. Every one except for a few of course I think your look is really attractive because of the no nonsense confidence that you project and those tight little curls are divine”
“Were you very disappointed when you called earlier then?”
“Yes I was if I’m to be honest, I was looking forward to lunch with a gentle properly turned out young lady, who reflected my own style and values, I’m not saying you didn’t look any thing other than respectable but not in quite the same manner”
“Well I certainly feel different when dressed primly and I suppose I do behave differently as if these firm foundations are a bed rock to my whole outlook, which is perhaps more restrained and disciplined”
“Well I for one love it, and there’s so much more to a lady modestly dressed than a girl with it all on display”
Thinking about it those low cut trousers didn’t leave much not displayed especially after I had to shave just to wear them. And reflecting on my brief return to trendy fashion although my bra girdle and stockings certainly aren’t made for comfort as they constantly remind me I’m wearing them they also constantly remind me of the new conservative lady I’ve become.
We spent the rest of the day together and as we sat in his car in the dark I experienced a real thrill as he caressed my breasts encased in the stiff fabric of my bra and ran his hand along my stocking on to the thick suspender then the leg of my large panties.
As we parted we made arrangements for next week as Alan needed to go back tomorrow,
“I should be able to get back Thursday about three pm so I could try and arrange for Clair to fit you in before they close then we could go on for something to eat after”
“That would be lovely and like I promised the style and lengths up to you”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to wait”
I felt at a bit of a loose end next day it’s going to be almost a week till I get to see Alan again we’ve just cleared up after breakfast and Gran wanted to know all my news from yesterday I filled her in on most but not all of it, she was really pleased when I told her how Alan had wanted me to get changed into some proper clothing and how he liked my hair especially after my second visit to Edith. She said it made him sound a delightful young man just the sort I should be encouraging.
Mid morning and my phone rings what a surprise its my mum
“Hello Sam how are you”
“Hi mum I’m fine this is a surprise”
“Well I’m back in the country staying with an old friend and wondered if I’d be able to travel down and see you during the holiday”
“That would be great mum I’m staying with gran at the moment though for the holiday”
“Oh my what a coincidence my friend still lives in your Grans town, can we meet for coffee this afternoon I don’t really want to come up to the house”
“Of course we’ll meet in the café by the square a 2 o’clock will that be ok”
“Lovely, see you then”
The rest of the morning seems to fly by this is most intriguing what’s bought mum back so unexpectedly,
I dress to go out with out a thought to how she’ll see me I’m so used to wearing respectable clothing now that the high buttoned light blue below the knee pleated dress I put on just seems natural now along with my smart polished lace up shoes and tan stockings, it doesn’t take a second to pat my heavily lacquered tight curls into perfect order and I’m off into town, its probably best not to say any thing yet to gran so I just tell her I’m off to meet a friend I met at the church last Sunday.
I enter the café and notice mum sat at a table in the corner she doesn’t quit look her usual self confident purple haired wildly dressed self, the hair and clothes are their but theirs something about her face seems slightly sad.
I go over to the table and start to sit down,
“Sorry but this table taken I’m meeting someone”
“I know you are mum”
“Oh my god Sam is that you, what has she done to you” mum hold her hands to her mouth and looks really shocked I wasn’t expecting this as I’ve gotten used to my new  look now and am a little taken aback.
“Yes it is me mum” I say as I sit down and gather the skirt of my dress around me in a lady like manner
“You’re beautiful long hair it’s all gone” she reaches out and touches one of my solid lacquered little curls then runs her fingers around my shaven neck, the touch on my sensitive neck makes me shiver just as it always does now.
“She hasn’t done any thing to me” I say feeling defensive of gran “I wanted all of my hair cut off it was just girlish and I felt I needed to grow up and have a appearance more suitable to my future hopes and aspirations’”.
“Oh Sam I’m sorry its just such a shock to see my carefree daughter transformed into who you are now, I bet you’re gran helped though”
“Grans been a great help to me and I wanted to give her something back and one I know she’d appreciate was to give my self a fresh start”
“Well you’ve certainly had that, that dress certainly looks familiar and does suit you very well”
“Thanks’ you should recognise it as you used to wear it in fact I’m wearing all you’re old clothes’ at the moment right down to the lovely underwear that was still in the draws as you left it”
“She still had all my clothes after all these years, I remember how she used to dress me up in those restrictive girdles and suspenders and have me wearing the same style dresses as she did and now you’re wearing them to I can’t really believe it, and you just seem so different now Sam like you’re grown up all of a sudden”

“Now then mum what’s bought you back to here of all places”
It takes her a moment to answer and as I wait I notice that she’s not looking at all her usual self, she looks tired and her hair colour isn’t as vibrant as usual in fact it could be described as dull with a good couple of inches of grey and dark growth showing.
“Spain’s not worked out at all for me the bar we ran has failed and the younger guy I was with has gone of with a girl slightly younger than you, so I came back last week and I’m staying with Carol a really old friend of mine I’ve always stayed in touch with till I get my self sorted out, as it happens it was Carol I stayed with after I left my mums house”
“How do you feel about gran now, I know she’s got many regrets about what happened all those years ago”
“To be honest with you I’m a bit embarrassed now about my behaviour towards her and dad, so yes I’ve my own regrets to”
Mums never opened up before about this subject, and I sense there may be a chance for me to bring them back together.
“Any way Sam enough about me what about you my lovely young lady you must tell me all about what you’ve been doing”
“Well first mum I’ve decided to stop calling my self Sam and it’s Samantha now”
This makes her smile.
“Uni is going very well and my grades are holding up well, I’ve no need to worry about holding down a part time job either as Gran has been very generous with her help and I’ve met a lovely young man and our relationship is just starting to fall into place”
“That’s brilliant Samantha, how does he feel about you’re new look”
“That’s the best part mum he loves it”
“You’re so lucky there then, its lovely for you that he can share you’re new values”
She seems to be thinking for a while then continues
“I was just thinking back to when mum took me unexpectedly to her hairdresser a right old battle axe named Edith and had all my lovely hair chopped then permed very similarly to yours, I was devastated I loved my hair and the last thing I wanted was a tight neat perm just like all the old ladies had. Those were different times and we were trying to branch out from all the old ways and my hair do set me apart from the whole culture I was starting to embrace it was like I’d had a limb cut such was the loss I felt. I might have coped with it better but my boyfriend at the time provided non of the support that yours seems to, he was horrified when he first saw me he always said my silky long hair was my outstanding feature and used to sit with me for hours talking and running it through his fingers. It broke his heart when it was sheared off and he was in shock as I showed the result there was nothing left at the back but some tiny little bristles after she shaved me so he had nothing to run his fingers through any more and I picked up that he didn’t want to be labelled with a very prim square as the expression was girlfriend.
It was this that sent me over the edge and I moved out of home and went to Carols looking back I suppose if all he wanted was my long hair then he wasn’t really for me anyway.
Carol tried to help me with my hair, we decided if we could relax the perm I’d have a kind of Mia Farrell look that was quite trendy at the time so we put relaxers on but I think that old Edith’s perm was that strong that the hair was damaged and started to break off. I put up with this for a little while but it was looking very patchy so I had no choice and one morning just as they opened so there wouldn’t be any one else around Carol came with me to a mans barber shop and they shaved all that was left of my hair off and left just a dark shadow over my scalp I didn’t cry as much when this was done as when it was first cut but it still deeply upset me and when mum came around later that day I just couldn’t speak to her. I guess I blamed her for the break up with my boyfriend and my freshly shaven head.”
Mums been talking for quite a while now and all of these memories seem to have taken their toll and I don’t want to push her to much this first time.
We leave it there today but arrange to meet tomorrow.          
Alan phoned later that night he’s quit excited about the fact he’d spoken to Claire and she’d be only to happy to do my hair, as it happens her boss will not be their and they were going to close for the afternoon but she’s staying just for us and we’ll have the salon all to ourselves. This worries me a little as I’ve the feeling that Claire doesn’t need much encouragement when it comes to dealing with young ladies hair and having Alan their to may mean I’ll be getting my primmest hairdo yet. Time to get ready for bed I go up and as I remove my girdle and unhook the suspenders I can’t help but wonder how mum felt, I’m wearing these restrictive and old fashioned clothes because I want to I’m not having any pressure put on me but it might be different if I wasn’t my choice, the big bra comes of next and my boobs fallout of it and take up a natural shape again leaving me in just the white bloomers pulled up over my waist what a contrast to when I came here. I shake my chest slightly and feel them move after the day they’ve had of being totally controlled.
Before my mind wanders any more I slip my ankle length nightdress on then my final piece my black hairnet and pull it over my ears and half way down my forehead mum must have been in pieces that first night after all her hair had been cut off and gran rapped a net tightly over her new curls for the first time.
I meet mum earlier the next day Grans starting to wonder were I’m off to all the time I don’t think she’s ready to know yet. This is my mission today to get mum to finally meet back up with Gran.
Mums their waiting in the same top and trousers she had on yesterday and now I’ve noticed them her roots are really prominent.
“Hi Samantha I thought we could go back to Carols later and have some lunch”
“That would be lovely”
We start to walk we’ve no were particular to go so head into the town centre,
“Mum how would you feel about meeting Gran again”
Mum pauses for a while as she considers what I’ve just asked
“I’d love to see her again and put all that behind us but I don’t know how she’d feel about me”
So I tell mum about how Grans still got her cut off pony safe so she’s always got part of her with her and also how she wrapped mine up with hers.
This brings a tear to mums eyes and we both stand in the park and hug as she sobs quietly.
“I couldn’t possibly meet her looking like this; I’d have to smarten up a bit”
“I’m sure she wouldn’t mind what you look like”
“Well after seeing my smartly turned out daughter may be its time I did care”
Mum runs her fingers through her unruly hair
“What would she think of this mop for a start”
With this we both have a giggle.
“Well if we need to sort you out theirs no time like the present”
We start walking back into town with a mission I think some of mums old clothes may still fit but don’t think she’ll want to go back to the house yet.
As we pass a charity shop a dress in the window catches my eye it’s a lovely light yellow colour with along flared skirt and a nice high lacy collar with short puff sleeves.
“That would be just the job for you mum”
“I don’t know Samantha I’m not sure that’s really me”
“Well just try it on”
We enter the shop and a lovely helpful old lady gets the dress down for mum, I send her into the changing room and while she’s in there find just the thing to go with it a nice white cardigan and some white court shoes in mum’s size.
She come’s out of the changing room and theirs something wrong with the way the dress hangs at the front then it dawns on me she’s not wearing a bra at all.
“I think we need to sort out your underwear for this to look right, I’ll have to get you some of you’re old bra’s”
“I don’t think they will fit any more unfortunately”
Then the lady returns to us
“We’ve just the thing for you just come in and I ‘m sure it will be you’re size”
She disappears into the rear of the shop, then quickly returns with a flesh coloured all in one support girdle with suspenders hanging from the bottom.
“Just what you need to set this off” she says as she hands it to mum.
I’m not sure Samantha I don’t mind a smarten up but this is”
Before she can finish I but in
“Mum just try it for me not for gran or any other reason please just for me”
“How can I argue with that” she replies and goes back into the changing room.
When she reappears it’s a great improvement and with out a word slips the shoes on and drapes the cardigan around her shoulders.
She turns and takes her self in looking in a full length mirror on the wall, she’s apprehensive at first but seems to accept the look far easier than I expected. She tucks her hair behind her ears she has no fringe as her hairs one length well below her shoulders but just moving it from her face opens up her persona and she looks far prettier than with scraggy purple hair dominating her face. This needs to be the next thing to change but how will this be accepted after Grans attempt to control her tresses.
We leave the shop and walk along the street she keeps looking at her self in shop windows her bust is certainly improved after the application of some nice firm foundation in fact she’s got a really good figure and now you can see what a full bust she has.
“Like you said mum you don’t want to see gran again with a big mop for hair, how about we get you smartened out now we have started the ball rolling”
“I suppose its time that I did something with my hair, I guess purple isn’t al; that suitable for some one my age may be a nice red would look better. I wonder were I could get a good colour around here”
Mum’s thoughts about what constitutes a tidy head seem to differ from mine, I’ll need to lead her around a bit on this one.
“You could always go were gran and I go”
“No way is Edith Murray ever getting her scissors on my hair again after the way she butchered my beautiful long hair last time, I just couldn’t enter that shop again it would still upset me even after all these years”
This could be a problem then I think of Claire who will be doing my hair later in the week I could always get her number from Alan, I’m sure she’d be able to give mum a good sorting out.
Before I can think any more in that direction we pass one of the hairdressers I tried when on my mission to have my own long hair cut and permed to please gran, this place is one of those cut price chain of salons with no need to book but no time to perform elaborate perms and sets like I wanted this could be just what we need.
“This looks just the place for us mum come on it doesn’t seem at all busy”
This is something of a understatement there are five stations but only the far one is occupied and there’s no other customers waiting.
Mum follows me in and I can see us both in a full length mirror on the far wall, what a contrast we make my very short hard curls so precisely in position straight back off my face and her messy long hair.
“Take a seat I’ll be with you shortly theirs only me on today” the stylist addresses us. She’s surprisingly young and can hardly be in her twenties not really what I was expecting. But she looks respectable enough not to much makeup and a nice clean white uniform all be it with trousers  and the most eye catching part a long thick chestnut pony tail just like I used to have. Looking at this makes me for some unexplainable reason reach up and touch were mine used to be but instead of a thick silk like hand full of clean hair as my fingers move down it completely smooth then when they go back up they rub against the tiny little bristles that have returned after Edith’s wet shaving just at this moment I have a tang of regret and loss for my lovely long hair now lying in grans dressing table draw.
But the sight of the lady in the chair puts all these thoughts to one side she’s about mums age and the hairdresser is just finishing of edging around her left ear, she has a very neat plain haircut tight into her neck and round her ears a straight fringe half an inch above her eye brows and a precise side parting no part of her hair can be longer than two inches and it tapers beautifully from the short clippered hair squared off in the nape. This is really set off by the untouched grey streaking through the dark of her natural colour.
Mum just has to have this cut.
The hairdressers just finishing now and brushes away the clippings from the lady’s neck she must have had this style when she entered as there is hardly any hair on the floor that is about to change.
The cape is removed and the client looks very happy and keeps feeling the little bristles at the back of her head as if she really likes the feeling.
She rises now and walks over towards mum and me and we get a close up of her lovely grey short back and sides, she smiles at me then with a surprised look on her face takes a double take she’s surprised as she comes close by how young I actually am to be wearing my hair like this she quickly tries to cover this up but I cannot help noticing she keeps taking a sly look at me, maybe I’ve got the style she always wanted but was too afraid to ask for. Putting all this from my mind I turn to mum who’s been looking through some hair magazines.
“How about this Samantha, it’s a lovely colour isn’t it” she says pointing out a picture of a model with a slightly inverted bob that sits just below her collar at the back the slopes down below the shoulders at the front and well conditioned honey blonde colour.
“It’s nice mum but don’t you think that its perhaps not what you need at the moment, may be a more mature style that will show a different side of you”
“Do you think that’s what I need Samantha”
“Trust me mum I know just what you need, and like I said please just trust me”
The hairdresser is gesturing towards the empty chair
“Come on then mum she’s waiting for you”
Mum looks at me nervously shakes her long mop then hesitantly goes and sits in the chair. The hairdresser shakes out a silver coloured cape and drapes it over mum lifting her hair up to tie it be hind her neck. With out a word being said she picks up a spray bottle and wide tooth comb the wets mums hair as she combs it through, obviously she has no intention of washing it first no wonder they didn’t want to do my perm here.
“Right then what are we doing then” the hairdresser cheerfully asks her pony bobs about as her head moves and reflects the light, I’d just like to touch it and feel how soft it is just like mine used to be. Stop it Samantha its time for business.
I stand and walk over to them approaching from behind I get quite close to the girl and can smell the scent of her shampoo as she turns to me and her pony flies out towards me.
“The lady who was here as we came in she had a lovely neat style that is just what we want for my mum here” I answer.
“Her hair was cut very short you know, you’d need to loose nearly all of this length to achieve that look”
“Yes we are aware of that” I answer again. I might be aware but mum wasn’t until a moment ago and looks surprised.
“Are you sure you want you’re hair cut short” she says to mum
Mum takes a deep breath then with a determined look replies
“Samantha knows what I need to be done” then looks away resigned to the coming cut.
“You do know there’s a lot of hair going to be cut of if you have this style don’t you. Now you must be sure”
I don’t have this problem at Edith’s if you want a cut there you get a dammed good cut and none of this messing about.
“Now we are very sure of the style and aware of how much hair will be cut off, so shall we start then, and by the way mum will not be needing any colour today either just a nice short haircut thank you”
The hairdresser has annoyed me now and I try not to show my anger as I go and sit back down, why can this girl not just do as people ask without all this bother. As I look at her now I’m not so impressed by her long pony tail in fact as a hairdresser she should be made to set an example by her employers and show the customers the type of cutting this salon should be capable of, in fact if she worked for me she would be in that chair pretty quickly and all that silly long hair would soon be on the floor. Maybe them she’d loose this I know best attitude and learn some humility.
Back to mum the girl has finally picked up her scissors, she’s lifting sections from the top up with a wide toothed comb and snipping them off large chucks of purple hair are falling away sliding down the gown and floating to the floor mums head is slowly changing colour from damp purple to a lighter grey she’s biting on her lower lip and not looking at all confident, but I know this will be worth it for her.
Her ears peeping through now on the left hand side and there’s a real contrast between the short left and long right.
The hairdresser is really moving now and the purple headed hippie has gone replaced by a shortish grey haired lady there is a real hair pile in a halo like circle all around the chair its purple in colour but now its getting a top dusting of silver.
The first part is finished now and as the hairdresser moves to her tools mums running her fingers in her now short hair and gives her head a shake.
Ready for the next part and her hair needs damping again then a straight side parting is combed into the left side mums hair seems to drop naturally for this and the hairdresser must have picked up on it, she’s changed scissors these have very fine combed blades a section of hair starting at the parting is lifted and she plants the scissors close to the scalp then moves them out along the hair closing as she moves, she flicks a damp lump of hair off then repeats this all over. This removes loads of weight and leaves mums once thick hair looking decidedly thin.
“I’ll start with a number three then work in a number two around the edge’s ok” the hairdresser asks
“That will be fine, and a nice square edge at the back to please” I reply
She fiddles with the attached comb the starts the clippers with a loud pop followed by a low hum. After my experience in Edith’s chair I flinch at this noise even though it’s not me receiving a clippering today. I cannot see what’s going on now as she’s in the way but the clippers note changes and I can envisage the clippers rising and the bristly path left by them, I’m distracted at this point a trendy young woman with bleached blonde hair half way down her back and someone I assume is her boy friend come in and sit in the waiting area by me. I can see the back of mums head now and it looks delightful a perfect short taper very tight into a nice square neck, her ears folded down now so the clippers can get in to remove the hair from around her ear.
The blonde girl whispers something to her boyfriend
“No you’ll be ok” I hear him say
Now she gestures to him all mums hair cut off over the floor, he just nods his head and smiles
“Please” she says to him in a loud agitated whisper
“You’ll be fine” he replies
This is getting interesting
Out of the side of my eye I catch her pointing out my hair to him and whispering in his ear.
Then I catch on to what’s happening my hard lacquered curls are immaculately in place and she probably thinks I’ve just had mine cut, then seeing mum with her prim little short back and sides and all her hair over the floor has given her a scare she’s probably come in to have her hair trimmed and after seeing mums and mine is ready to run out of the salon before the as she thinks scissor happy hairdresser gets stuck into her over processed long tresses, I wonder what her boy friends thinking as he seems only to happy for her to get into the chair next, maybe he’d love to see all that peroxide mop on the floor and a clean prickly neck and high straight fringe redefine his girlfriend.
Mums finished now and she has that high straight fringe to finish off the look, she looks like a different person a more feminine down to earth person now softer and more approachable in fact perfect for her meeting with Gran.
Out side the salon now and the back of mums neck feels brilliant.
“What do you think then mum”
“this style certainly isn’t what I had in mind earlier but I’m really surprised what a difference it makes to me, maybe this is just what I needed, fresh hair for a fresh start”.

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